Our first time wasn’t romantic, there was no candle lit dinner and it certainly had nothing to do with roses. It was depressing and expensive for what it was. It felt like failure and stank like sulphur.
G claims he doesn’t remember our first time. I think he’s suppressed it. But what I remember is this …
It was a quarter of a cabbage, half wrapped in the cling wrap we bought it in, sitting in the bottom of our crisper.
We had invited friends over for lunch and instead of using the perfectly fine cabbage already in our fridge we chose to make our coleslaw from something more fresh. So we bought some more.
Aren’t we good to our friends?
But not using all of the cabbage for the lunch resulted in two separate quarters remaining. One more fresh than the other.
Of course, we ate the remains of the fresher one first. And as we did, we were inevitably left us with a fairly wilted and certainly in edible quarter of cabbage.
Now, at this point it’s important to remember that cabbage is in essence a base level, cheap vegetable. Ruffage G would call it. Even a whole one at a fancy pants grocery store will not quite cost our penalty price of five dollars.
But a quarter of a cabbage did. What a rookie error!
When you ask people seriously, most will say their first time was clumsy, uncomfortable and a little bit messy. This experience was all those, but as with all good affairs, we were ready to give it another crack.