What if for every piece of food you threw out, you had to donate money to charity? How would that make you feel? How would that change your habits?
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A bitter sweet problem
We had a cooking mis-hap… Okay, I had a cooking mis-hap. A spectacular one that only I witnessed but is truly believable of my antics in the kitchen. And now we are eating our way through the consequences. Oh the delicious consequences. Let me explain. We hosted Christmas dinner just passed. A wonderful lunch… Read More

Tips for a waste free christmas
The festive season is tough for any waste jar-ian. It’s during this time of the year that we become most aware of our waste related habits. Think about all the common phrases we say about food at this time…“Better to have too much than too little.”“It is the season of excess.”“We had to have all… Read More

There was a time when I loved leftovers. Reliving the previous nights meal. Having something tasty for lunch at work while the girl next to me has a plain salada. Or that last slice of pizza the next morning on a weekend. No matter how they came, leftovers were a gift from the food gods,… Read More